Boracay's Small Keyhole and Diniwid Beach / Vlog Review No. 230

Boracay's Small Keyhole and Diniwid Beach / Vlog Review No. 230

Do you ever wonder what's at the end part of Boracay White Beach Station 1?

That end part is actually called "Lambros Point", but most locals refer this as the Small Keyhole with the Grotto.

We have never been to this place before, because we were still exploring the most tourisy part of the island, during our first few visits.

This time, we finally checked what's in store for all tourists after reaching the end point of Station 1. We finally passed through Lambros Point, saw the grotto, took photos at the awesome rock formations and finally arrived at Diniwid Beach.

Unfortunately, Diniwid at that time is still close and have not yet resumed it's operations. Despite that, we still enjoyed hiking and walking at the less traversed spot of Boracay.

If you want to avoid the crowds, find a solemn beach spot and swim to your heart's content, then this place is definitely for you.

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